Welcome to St. Gilbert of Sempringham C of E Primary School & Nursery......Sow Seeds: Grow Together: Reach High

Badgers (Years 4, 5 and 6)

Welcome to Badgers' Class Page.
Welcome to Badgers, where you will find our Year 4, 5 and 6 children!
Please remember to bring your PE kit to school with you on Tuesdays. 
This week's 'Star of the Week' is: Lexi
This week's 'Reader of the Week' is: Juliet
Our attendance this week has been: 98.32%
Teacher: Mr Adams
Support Staff: Miss Brittain, Mrs Oxley, Mrs Watkins. 

Hello everyone!

My name is Mr Adams and I am very happy to be your year 4,5 and 6 teacher. I am looking forward to start learning together with you all this year!

I love animals and anything outdoors. My favourite sport is football and I support Manchester United - if they win at the weekend, I’d love to talk to you about it; If they lose, please don’t mention it!

Our PE Lessons shall take place on a Tuesday. Please come to school in your school uniform, with your PE kit in a bag, ready to get changed at school.

Please remember to read at home each night and write in your reading record - we will check these when you bring them into school the next day. You can also practise your spellings at home ready for our spelling test on a Friday.

Keep practising your times tables on TT Rockstar and watch out for my Rock Slam invites - do you think you can beat me?