Welcome to St. Gilbert of Sempringham C of E Primary School & Nursery......Sow Seeds: Grow Together: Reach High

Term Dates and The School Day

School Day
7:45- 8:45 Breakfast club (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
8:40-8:55 children arrive at school on the playground
8:55am Children line up to enter school
9:00 Registers complete and Nursery opens
staggered playtimes across the school between 10am and 11am
12.10-1.10 lunch time school
12 noon Nursery am session ends
12- 12:30pm Nursery lunch session
12:30pm Nursery afternoon session begins
1.10 EYFS, KS1 and KS2 lessons begin
3:30pm School Ends
Wrap Around Child Care
7:45- 8:45 Breakfast club (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
3:30pm to 5:30pm Mon to Thurs After School Care (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
3:30 to 5pm Friday After School Care (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)