Welcome to St. Gilbert of Sempringham C of E Primary School & Nursery......Sow Seeds: Grow Together: Reach High

Wraparound Care (SAS - Stay at School before and after school)

St Gilbert's SAS (Stay at School) Club is available before and after school each day
7:45 - 8:45am Breakfast Club (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
3:30pm to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday After School Care (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
3:30 to 5pm Friday After School Care (this is a paid for service and should be booked in advance)
Jade Tidwell

Nursery Practitioner

Clare Fitzgerald

Nursery Practitioner

Maxine Rollings

Midday Supervisor & After School Assistant

Mrs Sirikhwan Rowles

SAS Assistant